胡须中队:幸存者 Whisker Squadron: Survivor Mac版 Roguelite战机游戏 v0.71.1 英文原生版

胡须中队:幸存者 Whisker Squadron: Survivor Mac版 Roguelite战机游戏 v0.71.1 英文原生版


《胡须中队:幸存者》(Whisker Squadron: Survivor)是由Flippfly LLC开发和发行的一款宇宙题材的Roguelite轨道射击游戏。游戏的每一次随机生成的30分钟冒险都会...

《胡须中队:幸存者》(Whisker Squadron: Survivor)是由Flippfly LLC开发和发行的一款宇宙题材的Roguelite轨道射击游戏。游戏的每一次随机生成的30分钟冒险都会带领玩家的猫科飞行员团队进入新的刺激高度。玩家的任务是向虫群复仇,并努力生存下去。


《胡须中队:幸存者》在2023年8月21日开启了Steam抢先体验,但当时暂不支持中文。游戏的制作和发布均由Flippfly LLC完成,玩家可以期待在游戏中享受太空射击的乐趣。游戏的画面精致逼真,音效优秀,打击感十足。游戏的战役模式已于2024年6月19日推出,这是一次重要的更新,包括了三个场景,每个场景都包含行动区域、升级商店、故事剧情和被诅咒的选择,每一幕都以一场史诗般的小boss战斗结束。此外,开发组还为《胡须中队》宇宙进行了剧情编写,带玩家了解胡须中队、奥利维亚和其他角色的起源故事。


Whisker Squadron: Survivor Crack, available for Mac OS users as curated by Zhiniw.com, is a roguelite orbital shooter set in the vast expanse of space, offering approximately 30 minutes of intense gameplay per session. Each procedurally generated adventure leads your feline pilot squad to unprecedented levels of excitement. Your mission is clear yet daunting: exact vengeance upon the swarming insectoids and fight to survive!
Galactic Quests, Under Your Command
Imagine a galaxy that has fallen under the dominion of "Swarm," where mechanical insects ravage everything in their path. Amidst despair and chaos, Whisker Squadron: Survivor takes you on a counterattack journey alongside your team of cat pilots, challenging the Swarm to reclaim the peace and order of the galaxy. This is not just a struggle for survival but also an ode to justice and bravery.
Epic Space Adventures, A Sequel to RACE THE SUN
As a follow-up to RACE THE SUN by the same developer, Whisker Squadron: Survivor blends roguelike elements with neon-lit orbital shooting. Each session lasts around 20-30 minutes, presenting a fresh challenge every time. Procedurally generated levels, unpredictable enemies, and a plethora of upgrade options make every adventure an exploration of the unknown and a celebration of the unexpected. Your ship, your strategy, and your survival tactics are put to the test in this boundless universe.
At Zhiniw.com, we offer more than just game downloads; we strive to create a complete gaming experience platform. Whether you're a fan of Mac games or a loyal follower of Steam titles, you'll find your gaming haven here. Visit Zhiniw.com now to start your interstellar journey with Whisker Squadron: Survivor!
Notable Features You Shouldn't Miss
Dynamically Changing Roguelike Levels:
Every 20-30 minute gameplay session brings a new level experience, with neon-lit orbital shooting that infuses each adventure with mystery and excitement.
Deep Customization and Upgrade System:
Use fragments collected from levels and victory points to tailor-make your fighter ship. Each upgrade could be the key to turning the tide in your favor.
Achievements and Mod Unlocking:
Reach specific milestones to unlock new mods, altering the course of the game and enriching your gaming experience.
Secret Path Exploration:
Open hidden portals to explore intricate and mysterious secret paths, face greater challenges, and reap richer rewards.
Embark on your galactic odyssey with Whisker Squadron: Survivor and navigate the depths of space with courage and determination.




Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia|macOS 10.13或更高



macOS 冒险 开发 游戏 系统


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0.71.1 英文 2024-09-11 405MB
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