俄勒冈之旅The Oregon Trail Mac版 冒险游戏 v2.1.1(570)中文直装版

俄勒冈之旅The Oregon Trail Mac版 冒险游戏 v2.1.1(570)中文直装版


游戏介绍 俄勒冈之旅The Oregon Trail 游戏是Mac系统上一款经典的教育类冒险游戏,让玩家能够体验19世纪早期美国西部移民的艰苦旅程。游戏的目标是带领一支移民团队穿越荒野,到达俄勒冈州的...


俄勒冈之旅The Oregon Trail 游戏是Mac系统上一款经典的教育类冒险游戏,让玩家能够体验19世纪早期美国西部移民的艰苦旅程。游戏的目标是带领一支移民团队穿越荒野,到达俄勒冈州的新家。

The Oregon Trail 游戏前沿

在Gameloft出品的《The Oregon Trail™》中前往俄勒冈小道,畅享前所未有的体验。这一全球现象级游戏的官方续作,以现代技术重现了通往俄勒冈之路上的考验和磨难,从历史还原度到各种极端境况,旅途中的一切都振奋人心,无一不让玩家沉迷。玩家将在游戏中选择旅行队伍,用货车携带物资,踏上未知的旅程;旅程中需要进行艰难的抉择,应对突发的危险和意外情况等。暴风雪、断手断脚、蛇咬伤、精疲力尽、饥肠辘辘和可怕的痢疾是家常便饭,所以生存并没有那么简单。队伍要在未开发的疆域驱车前行,力求在冬季到来之前到达俄勒冈开始新生活。在猛烈的暴风雪过后寻找失踪的队伍,穿越炎热的沙漠运送不稳定的火药,在颇具挑战性的狩猎小游戏中比拼,结识多位名留史册的经典历史人物。游戏中会随机出现各种事件,玩家的选择会影响队伍和将来的事件,每次游戏都是一次全新的的冒险。

The Oregon Trail 游戏特色

1. 游戏背景:游戏背景设定在19世纪早期的美国西部。玩家将扮演一位移民团队的领导者,带领一群勇敢的移民穿越危险的荒野,寻找新的生活。
2. 旅程规划:玩家需要进行旅程规划,包括购买所需的物资、选择适当的交通工具和组织团队成员。合理的规划和决策将对旅程的成功与否产生重大影响。
3. 资源管理:在旅程中,玩家需要管理有限的资源,例如食物、水源、弹药和医疗用品。玩家需要合理分配和使用这些资源,以保证团队的生存和健康。
4. 挑战事件:旅程中会遇到各种挑战事件,例如河流渡轮、疾病、盗贼袭击和恶劣天气等。玩家需要做出选择和决策,以应对这些挑战并保护团队的安全。
5. 互动学习:The Oregon Trail for 不仅是一款游戏,还是一种互动学习工具。它通过游戏中的情节和事件,向玩家传授有关美国历史、地理和生存技能等方面的知识。
总得来说,Mac618软件带来的The Oregon Trail破解版是一款经典的教育类冒险游戏,通过模拟19世纪早期美国西部移民的旅程,带领玩家体验团队领导、资源管理和决策制定等方面的挑战。这款游戏不仅有趣,还能够向玩家传授有关历史和生存技能的知识。

The Oregon Trail 游戏亮点

• 选择不同职业的成员,打造并命名您的旅行队伍,每个职业都有其独特的起始物品、技能和品格特性,让您每一次的俄勒冈之旅都独一无二。
• 体验数百个随机事件,您的每个选择都会影响队伍中旅行者的命运,他们的独特技能和性格将影响事件结果。
• 记得保护队伍成员、货车和牛的周全,以免中途出现伤亡。
• 15场可供探索的旅程。
• 展开7个根据历史事件改编的任务。
• 留意队伍成员的健康、士气、体力和卫生情况。
• 管理货车仓库,尽可能多地携带物资。
• 维护货车来预防故障,避免因损坏或货物过多造成的货物损失。
• 从交互式的日志中了解真实存在的人物和地点。
• 收集并了解在旅途中遇到的诸多有趣动物。
• 在全新钓鱼小游戏中捕捉80多种鱼。
• 完成140多项成就。
• 玩家期待已久的狩猎和漂流小游戏回归,二者都保留了忠于原作的玩法,同时又带来的全新的视觉体验。
• 痢疾、渡河、断腿及更多经典事件和危险等您来经历!
• 迷人的像素艺术人物、3D环境与尖端的光效和视效完美融合,创造了一种既复古又现代的独特视觉风格。
• 全原创的原声音乐,结合了乡村音乐和8-bit风格音效,打造出一场听觉盛宴。
• 游戏首次加入了美洲原住民的角色和剧情,借此致敬最先居住在这片土地上的民族,并致敬他们的历史与文化。
• 通过深入的学术研究和多个学术顾的问参,我们想尽力确保游戏能准确重现历史,并借此向当初的所有人致敬。
•《The Oregon Trail™》是由HarperCollins Productions官方授权的游戏。 官方大力支持《The Oregon Trail™》的演化,新版游戏既保留了旧版的原汁原味,又加入新玩法和全新的视效。
• 入围2016年电子游戏名人堂。


The Oregon Trail™ Crack from Gameloft - The Oregon Trail™ you've never seen before. A modern look at the trials and tribulations that awaited travelers on the road to Oregon.
In this game - the official successor to the global phenomenon - players will go on a historically accurate and completely unpredictable journey: they will find travel companions, load a wagon with supplies and embark on an enterprise where they will face difficult choices, dangers and unexpected situations. They have a lot to endure: storms, broken limbs, snake bites, exhaustion, hunger, dysentery... to conquer this wild region and reach the promised Oregon before winter sets in.
Find those who were lost during the storm, transport explosive gunpowder through the burning heat of the desert, take part in exciting mini-games and meet many historical figures. With procedurally driven events where the player's choices affect the entire party and what lies ahead, there will always be new adventures on the horizon.
Always a new adventure
• Gather and name a group of travelers from different classes, each with their own belongings, random skills and personal characteristics. Every trip you take to Oregon will be truly unique.
• Go through hundreds of random events, where every decision you make will affect the entire group and what lies ahead. The habits and skills of your travel companions will also affect the outcome of the event.
• Don't forget to take care of your fellow travelers, cart, oxen, otherwise you will all become victims of the trail.
New opportunities
• Choose any of 15 trips.
• Complete 7 tasks based on historical events.
• Monitor the health, mood, stamina and hygiene of your fellow travelers.
• Manage your inventory and try to fit as much useful stuff into your cart as possible.
• Monitor the condition of the cart and try to prevent breakdowns, loss or damage to equipment in a timely manner.
• Learn about real people and places along the trail in the interactive journal.
• Collect interesting animals you meet along the way.
• Collect 80+ types of fish in the fishing mini-game.
• Get over 140+ achievements.
Corresponds to the original
• The long-awaited mini-games about hunting and river rafting have returned. They both correspond to the original, only the graphics have changed.
• Dysentery, river crossings, broken legs and night thieves, plus other classic incidents and dangers!
Amazing direction and music
• A stunning combination of pixelated characters, 3D landscapes and the latest lighting and visual effects creates a unique style that evokes nostalgia and amazes with modern possibilities.
• An original soundtrack that combines alt-country with classic 8-bit sound effects.
Respectful attitude
• For the first time, the game features playable characters - Native Americans - and stories glorifying the history and culture of the peoples who have lived on this land from time immemorial and still live today.
• While working on the game, we conducted research, hired consultants, and tried to represent as accurately and with mutual respect as possible all the peoples described in the game.
Officially licensed and supported
• The Oregon Trail™ is an officially licensed game from HarperCollins Productions, which maintains The Oregon Trail™ as an evolution of the original, but with updated gameplay and visuals.
• The game was inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame in 2016.


“苹果M片”若出现无法打开“The Oregon Trail mac版 ”,请尝试右键勾选“Rosetta”,具体操作,请按:Apple Silicon M1|2|M3 应用安装后运行闪退、打不开,点我直达!来设置。

M芯片按以上操作打开 The Oregon Trail for Mac游戏下载,若还是弹出“The Oregon Trail”无法打开。” 另外需要说明的是Intel芯片也需要选择“右键”打开才能运行;
解决办法:在Mac应用程序中找到游戏“The Oregon Trail”,然后鼠标右键选择“打开”,就能正常打开游戏;后续再运行游戏,直接双击打开就可以进入游戏 俄勒冈之旅The Oregon Trail Mac破解版。




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2.1.1 中文 2024-08-25 915MB
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