盗贼遗产2 Rogue Legacy 2 Mac版 像素风冒险游戏 v1.2.2a

盗贼遗产2 Rogue Legacy 2 Mac版 像素风冒险游戏 v1.2.2a


游戏介绍 盗贼遗产2 Rogue Legacy 2 是Mac系统上一款动作Roguelite角色扮演游戏,在游戏中,你每一次死亡,都会有子孙继承。每位子孙都是独一无二的。你的女儿可能是个色盲的弓箭手,...


盗贼遗产2 Rogue Legacy 2 是Mac系统上一款动作Roguelite角色扮演游戏,在游戏中,你每一次死亡,都会有子孙继承。每位子孙都是独一无二的。你的女儿可能是个色盲的弓箭手,而儿子可能是个和平主义厨师。

侠盗传承2 Rogue Legacy 2 游戏设定

《Rogue Legacy》现已归来!但这次后面带个 “2”!盗贼遗产2 又称 侠盗传承2
Rogue Legacy 2 for 是一款血脉相承的Rogue-LITE游戏,这意味着本作具备Rogue类游戏的一切标志性体验(随机流程,改变角色等),并在此基础上增加了可持续的升级,以及无穷匮的子子孙孙。本作中,每一位后代都由家族的遗产养育成人。将先祖留下的财产用于建设家族的庄园,让后代具备更优越的战斗素养吧。每位后代都拥有独特的特质和能力。你的女儿可能是一位射手,但同时还是素食主义者,每种组合都能带来全新的体验。玩家可以按照自己的节奏攻略《盗贼遗产2》:既可以破釜沉舟,在随机生成的世界中横冲直撞,也可以步步为营,稳步培养角色,为应对艰巨的挑战做好万全准备。

侠盗传承2Rogue Legacy 2 游戏特色


在盗贼遗产2 中,打败最终Boss仅仅是旅途的起点。游戏中有海量的内容待你通过新周目探索,发掘。你要亲手选择让游戏变难的方式,是让关卡变得更加危险,还是增加特殊的Boss战。游戏的体验会不断改变,提供几乎无限的可重玩性。
还有更多,更多。 以上不过是《盗贼遗产2》的冰山一角。伤疤挑战,精灵房间,古董铺……全新内容不胜枚举,但不要光看文字,去游戏中亲眼见证《盗贼遗产2》庞大的新世界吧!


Rogue Legacy 2 Crack is a genealogy rogue-LITE game. This means that with all the features of a regular roguelike (or rogue-like) - procedural generation of walkthroughs, changing characters, etc. - you still have constant updates and constantly dying heirs. In this game, both children and parents choose! Lose your parents' inheritance and rebuild the family estate so that your children don't start from scratch. Each child is unique, has its own characteristics and abilities. Your daughter may be a tracker. A vegetarian, too. Every time we get something new. Rogue Legacy 2 allows you to play at your own pace. Press on and cut your way into the very depths of the procedurally generated world. Or relax and develop your character until you feel ready for more serious challenges.
Every adventure is unique
New monsters, new traps and new plans every time you enter the Kingdom. This is a world in which success comes not from memory, but from improvisation.
New classes
Each class plays differently. Hide behind the ivy canopies and shower enemies with poison arrows as a ranger! Soar into the sky as a dragon spearman and fly, knocking down enemies at crazy speed! Or sing and dance like a cheerful bard, leaving behind only the corpses of your enemies! Rogue Legacy 2 offers 15 new classes and 15 playstyles.
A new style
In Rogue Legacy 2 we're trying a new artistic approach. The sequel is made in a pseudo-three-dimensional (2.5D) style: with 3D character models against the backdrop of hand-drawn backdrops. Shading was actively used in graphic design, and animations were performed using a step-by-step method. This way we maintain the familiar style and pattern of RL.
Updated biome generation
When generating biomes, we worked hard to make every area in RL2 feel unfamiliar. Each biome is prepared in its own way and represents completely different, but still procedurally generated lands.
A true Metroidvania
To capture the true metroidvania feel, we've added family heirlooms to RL2, which give heroes new abilities to unlock the world's secrets. No “there’s a lock here, you need a key”! These abilities significantly change the way you play. And family heirlooms are not just given away. You need to prove that you are worthy. That is if you find them, of course.
Features 2.0
There was such a problem in RL that with the loss of novelty, many features were no longer pleasing. And here we have added a bonus to gold to motivate players to take on new challenges. The more difficult the trait makes the game, the greater the reward in gold. Thanks to this, choosing an heir will become a tactical step.
Relics and Determination
One of the coolest new features in Rogue Legacy 2 is collecting relics, unique items that make a difference in your playthrough. Earn stat modifiers, complete special challenges, and even gain new abilities as you travel across the Kingdom. But be careful: the more relics you collect, the weaker your resolve. And when the hero dies, all relics are lost.
Greater availability
We take accessibility to the next level by letting you make your own rules. Increase contact damage, improve overall damage and health, or even enable flight in difficult areas with platforms. We give you complete control over your game. Also find new mechanics, for example, the ability to withdraw funds offshore - to help those players who find it difficult to advance further.
Rich story
The plot of the world of Rogue Legacy not only grew a lot in the sequel, it also deepened. New plot discoveries await you in all new playthroughs. Beating the game once is just the beginning. Learn about the inevitable fall of the once flourishing Kingdom and discover the dark secrets of those who are to blame. And also connect and build relationships with all the characters you meet along the way.
New game+ for days and months
After defeating the final boss in RL2, everything is just beginning. You still have a lot of unknown and untested things for future playthroughs. You must decide how the game will become more difficult, from the appearance of unique traps in biomes to battles with special bosses. The gameplay will change, allowing you to play almost forever.
Anything else, a lot
Of course, there will still be everything that players loved about Rogue Legacy, only more. More traits, spells, classes, biomes, enemies, equipment, rooms, history. More secrets... Just more of everything.
AND THAT'S NOT ALL! This is just a small part of what is in Rogue Legacy 2. Scar's trials, fairy rooms, a curiosity shop... I could go on and on. But nerds read! And you go discover the world of Rogue Legacy 2 yourself!




Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma|macOS 10.14或更高



冒险 动作 游戏 系统 角色扮演


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1.2.2a 中文 2024-08-29 806MB
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