索尼克赛车(Sonic Racing) 是Mac系统上一款竞速游戏。结合了街机游戏与快节奏竞速赛车游戏中最精彩的元素。在激烈紧凑的多人竞速游戏中与好友一较高下,一同穿梭于众多美不胜收的世界,还可以组成队伍通力合作,共享强化道具与加速冲刺效果。决定自己的驾驶作风:3 种风格迥异的角色类型供您选择,还可解锁足以扭转局势的车辆改装选项,以符合您的驾驶作风。
索尼克赛车 游戏特色
- 在线多人游戏和本地合作模式 - 每场比赛12名玩家,4名玩家分屏以及各种离线/在线比赛模式,包括大奖赛模式,展览模式,计时赛和团队冒险模式。
- 团队赛车 - 团队竞赛,团队胜利。使用各种团队动作来帮助你的队友,淘汰对手并释放你的团队领导力。
- 性能和皮肤定制 - 改变车辆的外观和操控性
- 小精灵 - 14个壮观的进攻和防守项目,帮助战胜对手球队并取得领先!
- 冒险模式 - 独特的故事体验,玩家可以了解基本的游戏功能和角色。
- 各种角色和类型 - 来自索尼克世界的15个可玩角色和3种不同的角色类型,包括速度,技术和力量。
The world’s fastest hedgehog is back in SONIC RACING Crack! Take control of one of 15 playable characters from the Sonic universe and compete in the ultimate multiplayer racing experience. COLLECT power-ups, SET traps and ATTACK competitors all while driving at high speed. Ready, Set, RACE!
DECIDE HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY! Enjoy single-player mode, play with your friends or go big and play with people around the world in multiplayer mode.
CREATE YOUR TEAM! Each character has its own unique advantages and brings a special Team Ability into the mix.
NUMEROUS TRACKS TO RACE! 15 tracks in total, each split across 5 zones.
WISPS ARE BACK! 15 spectacular creatures to help overcome rival teams and get ahead. They are always ready to offer help whenever needed.
KEEP RACING! Get more rewards the more you race. Complete challenges and earn even more prizes.
The ultimate speed experience is waiting for you! Ready, Set, RACE!
Version 2:
- Returning daily players will now receive a victory boost for their first 3 races
- AI opponents difficulty now scales based on tier ranking
Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma|(需64位CPU) macOS 10.15或更高