奇境OddRealm 游戏是Mac系统上由Unknown Origin Games制作并发行的一款沙盒类模拟经营类游戏,玩家将在游戏内控制一群定居者,你需要建造一个能经住各种打击的定居点,不断探索新的世界,建造物品和道具来与强盗、幽灵等敌人作战,游戏内场景均由程序自动生成,每次游玩都会有不一样的体验。
OddRealm 设定
Odd Realm游戏是一款集合了《矮人要塞》和《环世界》玩法的沙盒模拟经营god-like游戏。玩家可以在Odd Realm中操控单个角色,也可以划定工作区域完成狩猎、建造、种植、砍伐、采集、钓鱼、挖矿、锻造等诸多任务。游戏目前依然处于EA阶段,但是制作组依旧在不断接收玩家的反馈并不断更新游戏的要素。
OddRealm 特色
- 3个具有独特游戏风格的可玩种族(现在还有2个正在开发中)
- 5个程序生成的生物群系(沙漠、针叶林、虚空地带、苔原和热带)
- 24+生物
- 100多种物品、武器和装备
- 100多个可构建的道具、方块、植物、树木和平台蓝图
- 超过15个定居者职业
- 基于玩家决定的独特场景和遭遇
OddRealm 玩法
Take control of a group of settlers to build a settlement that will survive past seasons, roaming bandits, underground horrors and gods of legend.
Choose from thousands of created landscapes to make your new home. An oasis in the desert? The chest of a long-dead giant? Magic mountain range? Where you choose to settle down will determine what resources you have at your disposal, what you will encounter and how challenging your experience will be.
Use the resources in your environment to build... well... whatever you want! A sandstone castle in the desert? Underground fortress? Or maybe an island beach house? You decide.
Dig mines in the ground to find lost tombs, sleeping gods, and lakes filled with creatures watching from the depths. Just don't go too deep. Greet the less-than-friendly arrival of your neighbors with bladed weapons and arrow hugs. Ask questions later.
- 3 playable races with unique styles of play (2 more being worked on now)
- 5 procedurally generated biomes (Desert, Taiga, Voidland, Tundra, and Tropical)
- 24+ Creatures
- 100+ items, weapons, and gear
- 100+ buildable blueprints for props, blocks, plants, trees, and platforms
- 15+ Settler professions
- Unique scenarios and encounters based on player decisions
Choose from thousands of generated landscapes to make your new home. A desert oasis? The ribcage of a long-dead giant? A magical mountain range? Where you choose to settle will determine what resources you have at your disposal, what you encounter, and how challenging your experience will be.
Use the resources in your environment to build... well.. whatever you want! A sandstone castle in the desert? An underground fortress? Or, maybe, an island beach house? You decide!
Dig mines into the earth to uncover lost tombs, dormant gods, and lakes filled with creatures watching from the deep. Just make sure not to go too deep!
Welcome the less-than-friendly arrival of your neighbors with cold steel and hugs made of arrows. Ask questions later.
OddRealm mac破解游戏文字太小??
GENERAL – UI Scale,通过拖动 或 点击“+、-”来调节尺寸,随后点击“SAVE CHANGES”,保存!
Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia|macOS 10.13或更高